The Importance of Self Love -Self Care To Your Health

Self-love and self-care aren’t about being self-centered and selfish. They’re not about a “me, me, me” mentality. They’re not about fighting against the world to express ourselves or to get what we want. Self-love and self-care are about acceptance, loving ourselves for who we are and taking the time to care for ourselves.

What would you love about yourself if there was no little voice of self-doubt buzzing around your ear? 

Self- love and self-care are about owning your power and knowing that you are a unique individual, like no other on the planet. You are here for a reason, with a purpose; and that makes you pretty amazing.

We are not defined by our past, our parents, our siblings, our events.

We are defined by the light that shines brightly from within, out to the world in a loving and compassionate way.

Self-love and self-care are acting from a place of kindness toward ourselves, and taking the time to remind ourselves of this power and kindness. Only when you love yourself unconditionally, will you know and understand this.

Both are essential to live a happy and healthy life. What is selfish about that? When you practice these things, changes in life begin to occur.

Here are a few things to get us on our way:

  • stop comparing ourselves to others

  • know that we’re enough and don’t need to prove ourselves

  • embrace our reality and stop blaming and fighting it

  • start living a life of abundance in every area of our lives without the need to fight or push to get it.

  • allow for growth to occur in our lives

  • practice more love and acceptance towards others

  • failures and setbacks get us one step closer to growth

Meghan would be happy to have a conversation with you and help you embrace all that is loving within you.

Dana Castro

Hey! I am Dana! Brand Photographer, Graphic Designer and Squarespace Designer Based outside of Toronto.

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